Are you looking for spider vein treatment in Tucson, AZ? Spider veins and varicose veins are very common vascular issues, affecting up to 40% of women and 25% of men. At our center, we understand these veins can be unsightly and sometimes painful. The good news is we offer quick, minimally invasive treatments that typically require just one visit. Arizona Endovascular Center offers minimally invasive vascular procedures to treat the source and make those veins disappear. We use advanced techniques to locate faulty valves and seal off problem veins. This allows blood to flow through your healthy veins again. The closed, diseased veins are then reabsorbed by the body and disappear.
RFA uses radiofrequency energy to heat up and close faulty veins. It is a quick, minimally invasive treatment that requires no stitches. The doctor inserts a small catheter into the vein and delivers heat to the vein walls. This causes the vein to shrink and seal shut, so blood reroutes to normal veins. RFA eliminates varicose veins without leaving scars.
Microphlebectomy removes smaller varicose veins through tiny incisions. The doctor makes tiny punctures near the problem veins and removes them through the small openings. It is a minimally invasive way to eliminate bulging varicose veins on the skin's surface. The micro-incisions heal with barely visible scarring.
Sclerotherapy injects liquid into spider veins, causing them to collapse and fade. The doctor uses a very fine needle to inject the solution directly into the affected veins. This damages the vein walls, so they close up, and the veins dissolve over time. The treatment removes unsightly spider veins on the legs.
Living with varicose veins can be painful and frustrating, affecting both our physical comfort and our self-confidence. Fortunately, modern medicine offers effective treatments for these vein issues, but the key to successful treatment lies in choosing the right healthcare professional. When it comes to addressing vein problems, opting for a vascular surgeon can make all the difference.
Arizona EndoVascular surgeons will discuss our venous disease treatment programs focused on preventing advanced vein disease and repairing damaged veins, so they are as functional as possible. Treatments commonly may include medication, minimally invasive procedures, or vascular surgery.
Our non-surgical treatments have fast recovery times and produce excellent cosmetic results. Most patients can resume normal activities right after their appointment. If you are bothered by spider or varicose veins, call us today at
(520) 208-6008 to learn more about our safe, effective vein treatments.
Address: 6377 E. Tanque Verde Road, Suite 101, Tucson AZ, 85715 (Main Office)
Phone: (520) 208-6008
Fax: (520) 296-5800
Address: 1925 W. Orange Grove Road, Suite 209, Tucson AZ, 85704
Phone: (520) 208-6008
Fax: (520) 296-5800